ElvaX Geo

The most advanced Portable XRF Analyzer for minerals analysis in Mining and Exploration

A real time on-site chemical analysis is one of the most important data in modern mining and exploration industries. ElvaX Geo was designed to provide accurate data and ease of operation during geological exploration and quality assurance. The spectrometer demonstrates long non-stop convenient operation. This model possesses SDD detector of 800 mm2 area for increasing spot of analysis averaging of inhomogeneous samples. A plastic body helps you hold a proper body position during operation and enables to measure hard-to-reach places. This design allows to make uninterrupted measurement during waiting aside while analysis results are exported to the operator and alarming through headphones. ElvaX Geo is used via a PDA in a closed-beam workstation, which can be installed underneath outer garment in case of inappropriate outside conditions. This device is operated with Li-Ion batteries.

  • Fundamental parameters analysis of unknown samples without empirical calibration allows to user Factor Calculation Method which enables to improve analysis accuracy for a specific application.
  • An option to average results help to to minimize random error during analysis of inhomogeneous samples.
  • With the help of a laboratory stand, ElvaX Geo is transformed into a desktop instrument working with ElvaXTM PC software.
  • ElvaXTMsoftware allows not only to perform in-depth analysis of XRF spectra but enables to create calibrations of your own.
  • ElvaX Geo supports integration with an external GPS module via Bluetooth. The Acquired data can then be used in a GIS.
  • The analyzer comes with the watertight case, holster for carrying, composite pole, and laboratory stand.

ElvaX Geo software can use both the Fundamental Parameters and the Empirical Calibration Methods. Even fundamental calibration allows to receive accurate analysis of unknown samples without empirical calibration. Each spectrometer is calibrated for the basic mineral types with NIST or NIST standard samples which helps to achieve excellent limits of detection and precision (repeatability). ElvaX Geo can make of analyzing the whole range of different minerals without special calibration.ElvaX Geo demonstrates excellent limits of detection and repeatability. ElvaX Geo is capable of analyzing the whole range of minerals without prior calibration.


Digital X-Ray Source digiX-50
Anode: W
Voltage: 50 kV
Current: 200
Power: 10 W
Spot size: 800 mm2

X-Ray Detector
Type: Fast SDD
Active area: 25 mm2 (option 70 mm2)
Energy resolution: <145 eV @ 5.9 keV
Count rate: 500 000 cps

DPP: proprietory DAS (Dynamically Adaptive Shaping) type, 80 MHz sampling rate
MCA: 4096 channels
Display: 4.3″

Dimensions: 242 х 236 х 90 mm
Weight: 2 kg
Protection: IP67

Operating system: Windows EC7
Analysis algorithms: Fundamental parameters (FPA), Empirical (regression) calibrations


ElvaX Geo was designed to achieve outstanding precision and great limits of detection with a unique 800 mm2 SDD detector for larger analytical spot that significantly increases the averaging of inhomogeneous samples.


The spectrometer is designed to increase time of non-stop chemical analysis


ElvaX Geo software allows to use both the Fundamental Parameters and the Empirical Calibration Methods (empirical calibration)


Even the most reliable equipment from ELVATECH may require service or repair. However, you need not worry as ELVATECH CANADA LTD. offers warranty and post-warranty service for XRF spectrometers and analyzers at our company’s service center in Edmonton as well as at our authorized service center.

At Elvatech, our service concept is not centered around generating income but rather is a loyalty program for our customers. We offer fast, efficient, and non-profit maintenance and repair for our XRF spectrometers. This approach significantly reduces the cost of using our XRF spectrometers and analyzers and provides maximum convenience for our customers.

ELVATECH CANADA sells, rents, repairs, and provides service for XRF spectrometers and analyzers to customers all across Canada. Delivery is carried out by courier services directly from our head office in Edmonton based on CPT, Incoterms 2020.

Delivery time can vary from 1 to 12 weeks depending on the type of spectrometer, installed modes and calibrations, as well as availability of instruments in our stock.

Equipment is usually shipped after 100% payment is received to our bank account. Individual payment terms are provided for regular partners and dealers.

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