The GERDA: A Powerful Tool for Mineral Exploration​

The GERDA (Geochemical Research and Documentation Assistant) is an advanced automated sampler designed for use with portable and handheld analytical instruments like pXRF, NIR spectrometers, magnetometers, and more. It is highly versatile and can significantly enhance efficiency in various stages of mineral exploration, whether at the drill site or in a base camp.

Applications of the GERDA include:

  • Assaying drill core in core boxes: Direct analysis on-site without the need for extensive sample transportation.
  • Assaying stream sediment/soil samples in field bags: Quick and efficient field analysis of collected samples.
  • Assaying RAB, RC drilling chip samples: Ensuring accurate and immediate data collection during drilling operations.
  • Determination of gold mineralization in crushed rock/drill core samples utilizing NEFFA method: Specialized analysis for gold detection.
  • Assaying any 2D flat objects: Such as paintings and other flat materials, providing broad application beyond geology.

GERDA Features:

  • CNC 1500×1000 mm table WorkBee: Provides a stable and precise platform for sample analysis.
  • High-resolution USB camera Baumer VCXU 65C.R (optional): Allows for detailed visual documentation of samples.
  • Control Unit based on Raspberry Pi3: Ensures efficient operation and control of the system.
  • Browser-based software: Accessible via a Control Panel simulator, enabling remote operation and monitoring.
  • Mounting options: Can be mounted on Palsatech or CoreLift tables, enhancing flexibility and usability.
  • Remote control capability via VPN: Allows for remote operation and data management, increasing operational efficiency.

GERDA – An Automated Solution:

The GERDA is an automated solution for portable analytical instruments such as pXRF, spectrometers, NIR spectrometers, and more. This CNC-based universal sampler can be used for assaying:

  • Drill core in original boxes: Directly analyze core samples on-site.
  • Soil/sediment samples in field bags: Efficient field analysis of collected soil and sediment samples.
  • RAB/RC/Blasthole chip rock samples: Accurate and immediate data collection for drilling operations.

Compatible Equipment:

  • XRF analyzers: Supports the portable XRF analyzer Elvatech models of ProSpector 3 and ProSpector 2 series, with sales and agreements handled in coordination with the customer.
  • NIR spectrometers: Another optional analytical tool for enhanced geochemical analysis.
  • LIBS analyzers: For advanced elemental analysis.

Provided by MEFFA Lab Oy:

  • Development and Design: MEFFA Lab Oy is responsible for the creation and design of the GERDA.
  • Production and Sales: They handle the manufacturing and sales of GERDA units.
  • Installation and Training: MEFFA Lab Oy installs the GERDA units at customer sites and provides training to ensure effective use.
  • Technical Support and Warranty: Comprehensive support and warranty services to maintain optimal performance.

Advantages Over Other Systems:

While many manually operated pXRF test stand products exist, they often share common design flaws and operational limitations, such as the need to load one sample cup at a time and issues with sample handling. The GERDA, specifically designed and developed by MEFFA Lab Oy and utilizing the Elvatech ProSpector 3, addresses these limitations by offering a more efficient and automated solution.

Advantages of the GERDA:

  • Completely non-destructive: Ensures sample integrity.
  • Fast real-time results: Immediate data availability.
  • Portable and easily transported: Ideal for on-site analysis.
  • Minimum set-up and calibration required: User-friendly and efficient.
  • Qualitative and/or quantitative multi-element analysis: Versatile application.
  • Wide range of applications: Suitable for various types of samples.
  • Export data in different formats: Facilitates data management and reporting.

Disadvantages of the GERDA:

  • Difficult to detect elements lighter than Magnesium (Z=12): Limitation in detecting very light elements.
  • Minimum detection limits in the ppm range: Not suitable for ppb level detection, which is critical for certain elements like gold.
  • Surface/near-surface technique: Primarily analyzes the surface layer of samples.
  • Sample handling considerations: Requires careful sample preparation to avoid contamination.

By using the GERDA and the Elvatech ProSpector 3, users can ensure high-quality, efficient, and accurate geochemical analysis, enhancing productivity and reliability in mineral exploration and other applications.

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